Love your vision, eyecare tips

Love your vision and care for your eyes with these top tips:

~ Have regular sight tests - ideally your eyes should be checked at least every two years or even more frequent in some cases. These checks could also detect general health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  

~ Wear your prescribed glasses - give your eyes the chance of having the best vision possible. It is a myth that glasses make your eyesight worse.

~Healthy eating - reduce the risk of eye complications by increasing your omega-3-fats (from oily fish) and lutein (from spinach and kale as well as other leafy dark-green vegetables). Other vitamins such as A, C and E are also beneficial, another reason why your 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day is a must. If you are not a fan of fruit and vegetables, do not worry as Helmsley Opticians have supplements available specifically designed to maintain your eyes health. 

~ Wear sunglasses - protect your eyes from glare and harmful UV light. Helmsley Opticians sunglasses provide the maximum UV protection and look cool too! 

~ Regular breaks when doing close work - let your eye muscles relax by taking breaks from computers, smartphones or tablets. This will help prevent tiredness and headaches. It is recommended that for every 20 minutes of close work look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This small break is enough of a rest period for your eye muscles.

~ Blink - remember to blink your eyes, when we concentrate our blink rate can significantly reduce. Usually we blink 12 times per minute, however this can reduce to as little as once a minute. When we blink we replenish the tear film which keep our eyes moisturised. So keep your eyes moisturised, remember to blink.

~ Try to give up smoking - probably not very surprising, smoking can be a cause of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

~ Keep your eyes moisturised - your tear film keeps your eyes moisturised, however it can reduce in quality over time making your eyes water or feel dry and sensitive. Keep your eyes happy by drinking more water, taking omega-3 supplements and by using lubricating eye drops. Helmsley Opticians eye drops can provide maximum relief for excessively watering and dry and sensitive eyes.

~ Family History - this can be incredibly useful as an indicator of possible future eye problems. There can be a genetic link meaning that certain families will be more likely to need glasses than others. Also if family members have any specific eye conditions, such as glaucoma or macular degeneration, it is very important that blood relatives have regular eye checks to ensure they do not develop anything similar. 
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